Bees Magnetic Mini Marks

SKU: 5035393159054

The key features

Excellent quality and detailing - minimal packaging

Clippy magnets gently hold and mark your pages without damage

Great previous sales - tried and tested gifts... but better!

Easy to display - fit perfectly in our bookmark program or will hang or stand independently

The blurb
Always a really popular thing, we went back to the IF studio, put the kettle on, and reimagined our classic mini marks for 2022 and beyond! We carefully chose 12 popular themes that anyone from Grandma to graduate would enjoy. We went big on the quality of card and print but stayed mini in size and amount of packaging, layering card and adding little special embellishments here and there. Then we attached some gentle but firm magnets to each, designed to snap to the paper but not hurt your precious pages. And Voila! A great gift for any book lover!


Price: $4.99